Rockwell Hardness Tester CiHo SRD

Harga : Rp 0.00 Rp 0.00

Brand : HOYTOM

Stok : In Stock

Rockwell Hardness Tester CiHo SRD

This model has been developed to perform tests using the Rockwell scale (with loads of 60, 100 and 150 kp), and the Rockwell superficial scale (loads of 15, 30 and 45 kp), but can also apply additional loads for other tests, such as Brinell or Vickers. It is comprised of a motorised frame, which includes the load application systems (which employ a computer controlled force transducer).

The indentation depth is measured using by a sensor with a resolution of 0.1 microns (0.0001 mm).

The Rockwell system is used to test parts made of metal, plastic, rubber, etc.

Rockwell Hardness Tester CiHo SRD

Included Accessories :

• 120º diamond cone Rockwell indenter.
• 1/16” hard metal ball Rockwell indenter.
• 2.5 and 5 mm diameter hard metal ball Brinell indenter.
• Hard metal balls (spare) in each of the aforementioned diameters.
• Templates for Rockwell (HRC, HRBW).
• Support tables with horizontal support for flat pieces (Ø50 mm y Ø10 mm).
• Support tables with V-shaped support for cylindrical pieces.
• Instruction manual.

Specification Rockwell Hardness Tester - CiHo SRD
Preload (kgf) 3 dan 10
Rockwell superficial scale loads (kgf) 15,30 and 45
Brinell Loads (kgf) 60,100 and 150
Vikers Loads (kgf) 31,25; 62,5; 125; 187,5; 250
Load Application Rate Automatically Adjusted
Test Load Selection Via touch screen
Load Cell HBM® (international leader in this technology)
Vertical Capacity (mm) 350
Goose Neck (Horizontal) (mm) 160
Dimensions (W x D x H) 731 x 396 x 975
Weight (Kg) 150

Untuk informasi lebih lengkap dari Rockwell Hardness Tester CiHo SRD :

Click Here : Rockwell Hardness Tester CiHo SRD Catalog

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