Harga : Rp 0.00

Brand : Matest,Gilson,Forney,Control,Humboldt

Stok : In Stock


Code : A028

Standard Method : BS 6576 | AASHTO T217 | ASTM D4944


For the rapid and accurate determination of moisture content in soil sand, gravel, aggregates etc, based on the calcium carbide method. It is possible to vary the sample weight from 3 to 100 g achieving a moisture range 50% (3g) - 7.5% (20g) - 1.5% (100g).

The bottle is calibrated and equipped with a surface thermometer. The glass ampoule containing the calcium carbide is broken when the bottle is closed and shaken, granting better accuracy to the test. The instrument comprises the testing bottle with manometer, small balance, 25 ampoules of reagent, accessories, case.

Dimensions : 520 x 340 x 140 mm

Weight : 6 kg approx.


A028-11 Carbide Ampoules (pack of 100)

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