Harga : Rp 0.00 Rp 123.00

Brand : Lokal,Ele,Matest,Gilson,Forney,Humboldt,Control,UTest,

Stok : In Stock


Hydraulic Sample Extruder ejects undisturbed soil samples from thin-walled Shelby Tubes with up to 5,600lbf (24.9kN) of force Smooth extrusion action in one continuous stroke prevents damage to sensitive soils, and makes it easier to divide and preserve small sections for Consolidation, Triaxial, Direct Shear, and other tests. The extruder is set up for 3in (76mm) diameter tubes of 30in or 36in (762mm or 914mm) length, but easily processes 2in (51mm) diameter tubes using the HMA-282 adapter, purchased separately. A sample receiving trough (not shown) is included to support the entire length of the specimen during extrusion. Samples are easily logged, cut to length, and prepared for testing in one step. Powerful 1hp electric motor, 1.7gpm (6.4lpm) hydraulic pump, and 2.5gal (47L) hydraulic oil reservoir are mounted to a rugged solid steel frame, with the horizontally mounted piston. The Extruder can be bolted to a benchtop, or mounted on the optional Extruder Stand to position at a convenient working height. The Stand is rugged bolted steel construction with casters.

Soil Sample Preparation Model Dimensions, WxDxH
Hydraulic Sample Extruder, 115V/60Hz HM-524 84x23x18
230V/50Hz HM-524F 84x23x18
2in Tube Adapter HMA-282 -
Extruder Stand HMA-289 84.8x18x34.5

Untuk mengetahui lebih detail tentang model,type dan spesifikasi silahkan Click/Tautan (Link)yang ada di bawah ini (click the link below):

Gilson Hydraulic Sample Extruder Catalogue

Matest Hydraulic Sample Extruder Catalogue

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