Harga : Rp 123.00

Brand : Gilson Co,Matest,Humboldt,UTest

Stok : In Stock



This device is used to determine the workability and degree of compaction of fresh concrete after being placed in the forms. It can be used for in-situ measurements or inside test moulds and forms. Results can be correlated against the slump test. The operation is very simple, insert the tester into the concrete up to the level of the disc, after 60 seconds, a measuring rod is lowered onto the surface of the concrete and the Kslump is read directly on a scale. The calibrated hollow tube has a diameter of 20 mm.

Dimensions: 200 x 200 x 400(h) mm Weight approx.: 5 kg

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K - Slump Tester Catalogue


Gilson : K Slump Test Equipment Catalogue

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